[Open-access] [open-science] Global platform for scientific knowledge project seeks programmers

Jenny Molloy jenny.molloy at okfn.org
Thu Feb 9 18:57:19 UTC 2012

Hi Jason

Great to hear from you! I was advertising on behalf of Simon Benjamin and
Victoria Watson who are the people behind the project, which is independent
to the OKF working group, although clearly we've been in touch with them.

I've cc'd Simon and Victoria in because I'm sure they would love to chat to
you. Incidentally, Total Impact came up in a conversation earlier about a
new OKF project to create a malaria open access index, for which we would
want certain measures of impact (cc'ing those involved in that discussion
also). In addition, valuing and aggregating scholarly conversations from
nontraditional media is very closely aligned with another project on open
disease research reports so I think a conversation between us would also be
useful! I'm not sure if it would be prudent for all of us to join in to
begin to get an idea of what is happening and then move onto specifics
another time or if it would be easier to just Skype separately, but either
way I am definitely available at some point over the next few weeks!

Best wishes


On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 6:10 PM, Jason Priem <priem at email.unc.edu> wrote:

> Hi Jenny,
> I was excited to hear about this project y'all are doing, because I and
> some other folks have been involved with something similar over the last
> several months: http://total-impact.org is an open web app to gather
> "altmetrics"[1] like downloads, blog posts, Twitter citations, CiteULike
> bookmarks and many more on a wide range of research outputs.
> We've just being funded by OSI to build out our API to be more scalable,
> and should have an easily-embeddeble widget in a few months, ready for
> widespread use (it's already in limited beta). It's an entirely open-source
> project, which aims to serve entirely open data.
> It sounds like we share an interest in this idea of valuing and
> aggregating scholarly conversations from nontraditional media. I'd love to
> chat with you more about the Oxford project, and maybe discuss how we can
> help each other out by sharing code, ideas, and experience. Would you like
> to have a Skype chat in the next few weeks?
> Best,
> Jason
> PS: apologies if I've already sent this; there were some plane-related
> sending glitches and can't be sure.
> cc'd Heather Piwowar, co-lead dev on total-impact
> [1] http://altmetrics.org/**manifesto <http://altmetrics.org/manifesto>
> On 1/23/12 7:20 AM, Jenny Molloy wrote:
>> Hi All
>> Jus to advertise a project getting started at the University of Oxford.
>> The aim is to build a global platform for scientific knowledge based on
>> article bibliographic data with automatic retrieval of related material
>> such as blog posts, post peer review comments, datasets and more
>> accessed via a simple to use web interface.
>> The project is advertising for volunteers to assist with programming,
>> please see the advert below and get in touch with Simon Benjamin if
>> you'd like more information:
>> An ambitious new project in Oxford needs programmers to join the team.
>> We're taking a bold approach to open science: help us build a brand new
>> global platform for scientific knowledge.
>> The project will involve:
>> ** Writing code for harvesting key information from online documents.
>> ** Building highly scalable databases (eg. MySQL).
>> ** Constructing a web-based user interface (eg. html 5, flash, etc).
>> We're particularly interested in people who are pragmatic, tenacious,
>> have a concern for elegance, and love problem-solving.
>> Think you might be the one? If you can spare at least 5 hours per week,
>> we'd love to hear from you! Send an email to
>> simon.benjamin at materials.ox.**ac.uk <simon.benjamin at materials.ox.ac.uk>
>> <mailto:simon.benjamin@**materials.ox.ac.uk<simon.benjamin at materials.ox.ac.uk>>
>> for more details.
>> Jenny
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> --
> Jason Priem
> UNC Royster Scholar
> School of Information and Library Science
> University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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