[Open-access] Fwd: BBSRC Funding Opportunities
Peter Murray-Rust
pm286 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Jul 18 14:02:44 UTC 2012
In case this could be something we get involved in. Needs a UK academic as
partner (I don't count)
Please find below BBSRC funding opportunities.
- *BBSRC: Tools and Resources Development Fund: Call 1*
The Tools and Resources Development Fund aims to pump prime the next
generation of tools, technologies and resources that will be required by
bioscience researchers. The call will consider proposals for:****
- Early concept, exploratory investigations of new tools, technologies
and resources.****
- Rapid access to, and novel deployment of, the very latest cutting edge
technology (such proposals would normally include collaboration with the
technology provider).****
- Radical, novel modifications to existing tools, technologies and
resources to facilitate new biological understanding and an expansion in
** **
Applications should be for early concept development, particularly where
little pilot data exists. It is intended that funded research will involve
interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches and applications should
demonstrate appropriate collaborative connections, and biological
demonstration/knowledge derivation.****
Applicants interested in submitting projects related to the development of
bioinformatics, computational biology or algorithms, including data
sharing, should submit applications to the second call to be issued later
in 2012.****
*Funding*: The call will have an indicative budget of £1.5M and successful
grants will not normally exceed £120,000. Projects will last between 6 and
18 months.****
*Eligibility*: Normal BBSRC eligibility rules apply.****
*Deadline*: 4 September 2012 (16:00)****
For more information see:
- *BBSRC: Sustainable Bioenergy and Biofuels*
** **
The BBSRC and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in India invite
collaborative (UK-India) research proposals that underpin the generation
and implementation of sustainable, advanced, bioenergy (including
biofuels). The call is focused around three priority areas:****
** **
- Identification, characterisation and improvement of novel biomass
(including algal biomass) processing enzymes.****
- Application of systems and synthetic biology approaches for the
development of microbial strains for the production of advanced biofuels
and capable of using all of the sugars derived from lignocellulosic or
algal biomass.****
- The improvement of algal strains suitable for biofuel applications
including genomics approaches.****
** **
Projects can address biological routes including bacteria, yeast, fungi,
micro- and macro-algae and terrestrial plant derived biomass. Applicants
considering projects outside the priority areas above should contact the
BBSRC at an early stage. All projects must employ second generation or
beyond technologies and should demonstrate that sustainability factors have
been taken into consideration.****
** **
The call will not fund theoretical projects that are not coupled with
experimental work, projects based on networking and knowledge transfer
only, the exploitation of thermochemical and/or other non-biological routes
to produce bioenergy; projects using first generation biofuel technologies;
or projects using feedstocks specific to the UK or India (unless used to
demonstrate a principle that can readily be translated to other feedstocks).
** **
*Eligibility*: Proposals must include applicants based in India and the UK
working together in cross-national teams on cross-disciplinary projects.
All UK applicants must adhere to BBSRC eligibility rules, while Indian
applicants must adhere to DBT rules. Non-eligible institutions may be
included in a project, but they will not receive funding.****
** **
*Funding*: BBSRC will fund the UK components and DBT the Indian components
of successful projects. Both bodies have earmarked up to £5M for the call.
Projects should be up to a maximum duration of 3 years. There is no upper
cost limit per project, but it should be noted that multiple projects will
be funded. BBSRC funding will be awarded on the basic of full economic
costs and cannot be used to fund PhD students.****
** **
*Deadlines*: Intention to submit form – 30 August 2012 (16:00)****
Full proposals – 9 October 2012 (16:00)****
** **
For more details see:
** **
- *Nitrogen: Improving on nature – A joint BBSRC and NSF Ideas Lab*
** **
The BBSRC and the National Science Foundation (US) invite expressions of
interest to participate in an Ideas Lab Workshop to be held at Crewe Hall,
near Crewe (UK) from 3-7 December 2012.****
** **
The Lab will seek to develop innovative and transformative ways to reduce
inputs of nitrogen fertilizers to non-leguminous crops whilst maintaining
or increasing yield, through a multidisciplinary approach. This could be
achieved by:****
** **
- Giving crops the ability to fix their own nitrogen****
- Significantly increasing the nitrogen available to roots by
manipulating the rhizosphere; or****
- Significantly improving the crop’s nitrogen use efficiency.****
** **
Other approaches are also welcome, but the proposals generated by the Lab
are expected to have the potential to lead to a step-change in current
knowledge. A multi-disciplinary approach will be adopted and it is intended
that the Lab will lead to strong transatlantic alliances.****
** **
*Funding*: The Ideas Lab will develop outline proposals that will
subsequently be developed into full proposals and submitted for
consideration by the funding agencies. Up to $12M is available to fund
these proposals. Researchers who do not wish to participate in the Lab, but
would like to apply for BBSRC funding in this area can submit an
application at any time through responsive mode.****
** **
*Deadlines*: Applications must be received by 7 September 2012 (16:00)****
** **
For more details see:
** **
Kind regards,
Adriana Costa
Research Grants Clerk
University of Cambridge
Department of Chemistry
Lensfield Road
Cambridge, CB2 1EW
ac830 at cam.ac.uk
Please note I work Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Please reply to the sender NOT the list
Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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