[Open-access] Fwd: [sparc-oaforum] Open Access Index

Mark MacGillivray mark at cottagelabs.com
Sat Jun 23 17:24:58 UTC 2012

Don't know. We are looking at journals, they are looking at authors.
however I know Theo and I will also be at that event, so will see how we
can collaborate.
On Jun 23, 2012 5:50 PM, "Daniel Mietchen" <daniel.mietchen at googlemail.com>

> Ayone know what's the relation between that OA index and ours?
> d.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Peter Suber <peter.suber at gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 4:49 PM
> Subject: [sparc-oaforum] Open Access Index
> To: SOAF post <sparc-oaforum at arl.org>, BOAI Forum post
> <boai-forum at ecs.soton.ac.uk>
> [Forwarding from Theo Andrew, via the JISC-Repositories list.  --Peter
> Suber.]
>  The Open Access Index is a new initiative funded by the JISC-Elevator
> scheme. We propose to construct a method to measure an author's
> engagement with Open Access which could be represented by a relatively
> simple numerical score – the Open Access Index.
> We are now in a position where we have access to the information to
> calculate such a score through sources including large bibliographic
> databases, current research information systems, repositories and SHERPA
> Romeo.
> Before we start would like to hear your views on whether there is there
> a need, and how should the index be calculated:
> http://oaindex.org/blog/2012/06/oa-index-survey/
> If you have an interest please follow the link and fill in the survey
> which consists of these 4 questions:
> 1. Would an Open Access Index be useful?
> 2. We'd like your thoughts on why this index would be beneficial, and if
> not, why not?
> 3. What factors should be considered in the construction of an OA-Index?
> 4. Would you be interested in being further involved?
> The OA-Index team will be attending the Open Repositories 2012
> (http://or2012.ed.ac.uk/) conference in Edinburgh where we will hold
> an initial meeting. If you are attending the conference and want to
> have some input into the OA-Index we are seeking expressions of
> interest so we can get an idea of numbers to arrange a suitable venue
> - please get in touch with us.
> __________________________
> Theo Andrew
> Research Publications Service
> Edinburgh University Library
> tel.   0131 651 3850
> web.   http://bit.ly/UoE-RPS
> post.  4 Buccleuch Place,
>       Edinburgh, EH8 9LW.
> skype. theoandrew
> --
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