[Open-access] Fwd: [sparc-oaforum] Open Access Index

Tom Olijhoek tom.olijhoek at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 08:12:17 UTC 2012

Hi Mark,

I have time Thursday so I definitely would like to meet you. Tell me what
time is best for you , for me I can be in Amsterdam any time from 1030 am



On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Mark MacGillivray <mark at cottagelabs.com>wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> I will see if I can meet up with Theo on Monday or Tuesday and find out
> more details. Also as mentioned, I will be in Amsterdam this week - I get
> in late on Tuesday night and am probably busy Wednesday, but if you are
> free on Thursday I will be in town until my flight in the early evening. I
> have not been there before and have no idea of the location, so if you
> could possible come to somewhere quite central, that would make it easier
> for me to meet up. Then we could discuss how to proceed and report back to
> the group.
> Mark
> On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Tom Olijhoek <tom.olijhoek at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> I have given it some thought and I think you are quite right.
>> Best we can do is collaborate on the set of indices, ours, the malaria OA
>> index, journal OA index and Publisher OA index as well (my proposal that I
>> shared in the very beginning), theirs: author OA index, cottagelab:
>> institute OA index
>> I think it would make sense,  if they want this collaboration, that we
>> try to get funding for the whole project, i.e. file a proposal together. It
>> will increase our chances for funding.
>> I have no idea what their funding now looks like, but I guess it will
>> probably be small.
>> Could you please try and find out ASAP if such a collaboration is
>> possible?
>> I have heard from Yrina Kuchma that EU openaire is interested in
>> cooperation on this subject as well.
>> Then I really plan to get our open access index article out real soon,
>> also to promote funding possibilities.
>> . So let's start rolling!
>> cheers
>> TOM
>> reactions on this subject from other @ccess group members are also invited
>> .
>> On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 4:07 AM, Mark MacGillivray <mark at cottagelabs.com>wrote:
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 10:58 PM, Tom Olijhoek <tom.olijhoek at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I must say that I am a bit surprised. But I have also been afraid for a
>>>> long time that something like this would happen, because I felt that the
>>>> idea of OA Index had been around for so long.
>>>>  We did advertise our ideas on an open access index openly, it has even
>>>> been on the homepage for quite a while.
>>>> I also informed a lot of people of it and by now I would have guessed
>>>> that many in the open access movement would have heard of our ideas.
>>>> What surprises me most of all is that they have an open access index
>>>> initiative funded by JISC???
>>>> I have been pushing for funding and we are in the process of contacting
>>>> OSF for the funding of our open access index.
>>>> It is true that their ideas are for an open access index for authors
>>>> and very different from ours. But this will be very confusing to say the
>>>> least. And I am not willing to changer names. We really had the name OA
>>>> Index before anyone else .I even had a domain reserved 8 months ago
>>>> openaccessindex.org.
>>>> I think it is very urgent that we claim the name open access index for
>>>> us.
>>>> But rtell me your views.
>>> I think probably there would be good potential to just combine them up -
>>> if Theo and the library people here are looking at doing an OA index for
>>> authors, and JISC are funding it, and you are looking at other sources, we
>>> can pool them together under the term "open access index". We were already
>>> at the point of thinking we would need multiple figures to highlight
>>> varying aspects of open, so having one for authors and one for journals -
>>> and myself and others at cottage labs were originally interested in one for
>>> institutes - would be no bad thing.
>>> Mark
>>>> TOM
>>>> On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 6:49 PM, Daniel Mietchen <
>>>> daniel.mietchen at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Ayone know what's the relation between that OA index and ours?
>>>>> d.
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: Peter Suber <peter.suber at gmail.com>
>>>>> Date: Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 4:49 PM
>>>>> Subject: [sparc-oaforum] Open Access Index
>>>>> To: SOAF post <sparc-oaforum at arl.org>, BOAI Forum post
>>>>> <boai-forum at ecs.soton.ac.uk>
>>>>> [Forwarding from Theo Andrew, via the JISC-Repositories list.  --Peter
>>>>> Suber.]
>>>>>  The Open Access Index is a new initiative funded by the JISC-Elevator
>>>>> scheme. We propose to construct a method to measure an author's
>>>>> engagement with Open Access which could be represented by a relatively
>>>>> simple numerical score – the Open Access Index.
>>>>> We are now in a position where we have access to the information to
>>>>> calculate such a score through sources including large bibliographic
>>>>> databases, current research information systems, repositories and
>>>>> SHERPA
>>>>> Romeo.
>>>>> Before we start would like to hear your views on whether there is there
>>>>> a need, and how should the index be calculated:
>>>>> http://oaindex.org/blog/2012/06/oa-index-survey/
>>>>> If you have an interest please follow the link and fill in the survey
>>>>> which consists of these 4 questions:
>>>>> 1. Would an Open Access Index be useful?
>>>>> 2. We'd like your thoughts on why this index would be beneficial, and
>>>>> if
>>>>> not, why not?
>>>>> 3. What factors should be considered in the construction of an
>>>>> OA-Index?
>>>>> 4. Would you be interested in being further involved?
>>>>> The OA-Index team will be attending the Open Repositories 2012
>>>>> (http://or2012.ed.ac.uk/) conference in Edinburgh where we will hold
>>>>> an initial meeting. If you are attending the conference and want to
>>>>> have some input into the OA-Index we are seeking expressions of
>>>>> interest so we can get an idea of numbers to arrange a suitable venue
>>>>> - please get in touch with us.
>>>>> __________________________
>>>>> Theo Andrew
>>>>> Research Publications Service
>>>>> Edinburgh University Library
>>>>> tel.   0131 651 3850
>>>>> web.   http://bit.ly/UoE-RPS
>>>>> post.  4 Buccleuch Place,
>>>>>       Edinburgh, EH8 9LW.
>>>>> skype. theoandrew
>>>>> --
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>>>>> http://groups.google.com/a/arl.org/group/sparc-oaforum
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