[Open-access] FOSsil Bank Update (21 September 2012)

Chris Sakkas sanglorian at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 02:21:06 UTC 2012

Hi folks,

Here's the latest additions to the FOSsil Bank, a collection of libre and
proprietary shareable works.


   Knockin Duh Conch Style II, <http://www.indiegogo.com/kdcsfilming> a
   movie on Bahamian martial arts (IndieGoGo: $50/$60,000, 19 days left)

   Terms of Service; Didn't
Read,<http://www.indiegogo.com/terms-of-service-didnt-read>a website
that labels and rates the terms of service of different sites
   (IndieGoGo: €3,733/€10,000, 20 days left)

   Get Patrick on the
Librebus<http://www.indiegogo.com/patrick-on-librebus>was successful
(IndieGoGo: $655/$500)

Libre Works


   The first set of artworks for the Prismatic Art
been released—this is a collection of crowdfunded inclusive fantasy
   art. (CC BY-SA)

   Sharing is Liberty,<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:sharing-is-liberty>a
blog about copyright reform. (CC BY)

   Sophie's Pirate
Game,<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/source:teapot-dome-games>a simple
board game designed for a four year old girl. (CC BY)

   The Lunatics 2011–2012 Pre-Production Kickstarter
Downloads<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:lunatics>are now publicly
available. (CC BY-SA)

   The Digital IPA
Recipe<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:digital-ipa-recipe>is a
recipe for open source beer. (CC BY-SA)

   Wondermark has 'A Brief Survey of Victorian Science
links to public domain works on Project Gutenberg.

   Oral History in
1970 book about African storytelling, has been ransomed to be CC
   licensed. (CC BY)

   Terms of Service; Didn't
a site that rates the terms of service of different sites by a variety
   of crieteria. (CC BY-SA, Affero GPL)

   Glyphicons <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/source:glyphicons> is a
   library of 400 vector symbols, designed primarily for programs on iOS. (CC

   Engage 2012 <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/source:engage-2012> is a
   video-making competition for primary and secondary school students. (CC
   BY-SA, CC BY)

Proprietary Shareable Resources


   Eclipse Phase pre-generated
characters<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:eclipse-phase>have been
collected into a single document for reference. (CC BY-NC-SA)

   Strolen's Citadel
<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/source:strolens-citadel>is a collection
of fantasy stories, ideas, characters, monsters, locations
   and so on. (CC BY-NC-SA)

Enjoy! As always, I welcome any questions or comments.

*Chris Sakkas
**Admin of the FOSsil Bank wiki <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/> and the Living
Libre blog <http://www.livinglibre.com> and Twitter
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