[Open-access] [open-science] Call for OpenCourseWare to be published at SlideWiki.org

Sören Auer auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Mon Feb 25 23:21:57 UTC 2013

Am 24.02.2013 16:43, schrieb Mr. Puneet Kishor:
> This is good, with all the right capabilities for a science-related presentation. I have the following concerns --
> On Feb 24, 2013, at 4:16 AM, "Sören Auer" <auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
>> SlideWiki is for everything licensed CC-BY-SA. You are more than welcome to use it for your personal presentations.
> I am not sure what you mean by the above. What if I want to license my content as CC BY, or CC0 (the latter being my personal preference)? Should I *not* use SlideWiki then? 

Ok, maybe I phrased it not precisely: You can use SlideWiki for
everything which's license is compatible with CC-BY-SA. So please add a
note stating that your content is also available as CC-BY or CC0 to the
deck description - as I understand CC-BY or CC0 licensed content can
always re-licensed as CC-BY-SA.

> And, what is implication of "You are more than welcome to use it for your personal presentations"? When would I be putting up a presentation that is *not* my personal presentation?

You could also upload CC-BY-SA licensed content, which was created by
other people. SlideWiki offers a "Original creator" field to attribute
the original author for that purpose. But my comment was more a response
to Peter's question "Is it only for courses or is it also for personal

> Finally, most importantly, I can see the human-readable summary of the Terms of Use (http://slidewiki.org/termsOfUse). But, there is no link to the actual legal document. There is a link to Wikipedia's TOU, but Wikipedia's TOU are not Slidewiki's TOU even if the latter are adapted from the former.

Good point, we will add a full text of the TOU, soon.



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