[Open-access] [FOSsil Bank Update] 13 January 2013

Chris Sakkas sanglorian at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 02:57:43 UTC 2013

Hi folks,

 It's been a while since the last FOSsil Bank update, both because I've
been busy and because I haven't found many new works recently. I've also
stopped adding most non-libre works when I come across them, which means
this update has the greatest ratio of libre to non-libre works so far.

 As always, if you know of works under public copyright licences (and,
particularly, under free/libre/open licences) you can add them to the wiki
yourself or email me and I'll add them. The same is also true for
free/libre/open projects that are available for sale or are in the process
of being crowdfunded, which I tweet about using the hashtag

This update is dedicated to Aaron
Swartz,<http://rememberaaronsw.tumblr.com/>who died on the 11th of

The Free Software Foundation is still running a membership

The FSF also has a Defective by Design

So You Want to Be a Librarian <https://unglue.it/work/76348/> successfully
funded on unglue.it, though the libre edition is not yet available. It
raised $2,682 of its $2,500 goal (this goal was revised down from the
original of $9,000 before the campaign ended). (CC BY-SA)

The third Vicious Crucible (pick-up-and-play tabletop RPGs), Argentate
successfully funded on Kickstarter. ($2,493/$2,000) (CC BY-SA)

a voxel-based electronic game, failed to fund on Kickstarter. ($403/$49,000)
(public domain)

Wikipedia could still do with more donations, but its fundraising
to be over.
Libre works and sources Information

Consequences, Risks and Side-Effects of the License Module Non-Commercial –
is pretty much what it says in the title (CC BY-SA)

Creative Commons: A User
now available in Spanish. (CC BY-SA)

Queensland Government
now available. (CC BY)

#PHONAR <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:phonar> is an undergraduate
photography class. (CC BY-SA)

Muktware <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:muktware> is one of the few
free culture Linux magazines. (CC BY)

Syria Deeply <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:syria-deeply> has news on
the conflict in Syria. (CC BY)

The CryptoParty
designed for beginners who want to protect their privacy. (CC BY-SA)
Tabletop Games

Death of the Japanese
an experimental LARP for 4-8 players. (CC BY-SA)

The Modern Path <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:the-modern-path> is a
take on the tabletop RPG Pathfinder for modern campaigns. (OGL)

TRIC SRD <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:tric-srd> is a Dungeons &
Dragons 4E clone. (OGL)

Baba Yaga's Dancing
Hut<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:baba-yagas-dancing-hut>is a
tabletop RPG. (CC BY)

Sovereign <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:sovereign> is a Risk-like
boardgame. (CC BY-SA)

I (Chris Sakkas) gathered a number of my tabletop
RPGs<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/source:chris-sakkas>(most of them
libre licensed) in the one place.

Millionaire Blonde
<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/source:millionaire-blonde>is an Italian
folk band. I heartily recommend 'Andrea Si Sposa'. (CC BY-SA)

The OpenPhotoProject
<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:openphoto>provides cloud-based
storage for your images, whichever site you upload
them to. (Apache 2.0)

EveryCook <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:everycook> is a project
dedicated to better food through information. (CC BY-SA and an unnamed open
source software licence).

dilly daily draws
<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/source:dilly-daily-draws>is the art
blog of Filipe Dilly. (CC BY)

Circus Divas <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/source:circus-divas> features
art from a perverse circus. Some nudity and violence. (CC BY-SA)

Mimi and Eunice now have some
comics<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:mimi-and-eunice>available in
Czech and Korean. (CC BY-SA)

The Catalogue ofIlluminated
a collection of 35,000 scans. (PD)
Non-libre shareable works and sources

Bad Panda Records
<http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/source:bad-panda-records>offers weekly
gratis music. (CC BY-NC-SA)

Dungeonslayers 4 <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/work:dungeonslayers-4> is a
tabletop RPG in several European languages. (CC BY-NC-SA)

Stay safe,


 *Chris Sakkas
**Admin of the FOSsil Bank wiki <http://fossilbank.wikidot.com/> and the Living
Libre blog <http://www.livinglibre.com> and Twitter
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