[Open-access] [open-science] Requesting material for "Introduction to open science" talk, target: faculty

Dan Gezelter gezelter at nd.edu
Fri Dec 19 19:33:02 UTC 2014


  I gave a talk somewhat recently that attempted to be a general intro to open science (particularly pertaining to code):


> I kindly ask you if there is already some material to be
> reused/extended. I am interested in defining open-* practices, the
> motivation for doing open science, and the ways for doing open
> science.

Feel free to modify / reuse.  Sources for much of the content are on the last slide.

Best regards,

 --Dan Gezelter

  J. Daniel Gezelter
  Associate Professor of Chemistry                           Director
  University of Notre Dame                    The OpenScience Project

  gezelter at nd.edu                            gezelter at openscience.org
  http://www.nd.edu/~gezelter              http://www.openscience.org

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