[Open-access] Suggestions for the OA infrastructure in the Netherlands

Graham Triggs grahamtriggs at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 11:11:14 UTC 2014


I have a few (of slightly conflicting) comments about one statement in this:

"...I see one clear and present danger in the view of our junior minister.
If he accepts the Golden Route as the only route, it might lead to the
negligence of the Green Route and subsequently the deterioration repository
infrastructure in the Netherlands."

1) Repository infrastructure is really only going to be neglected if:
a) It's not recognised that there are other important uses for
repositories, besides storing final publications
b) Funds are diverted in order to (partly) pay for Gold APCs.

2) There is no good reason to abandon repositories in light of going Gold.
Given possible concerns about the future of publishers / journals, and
potential problems caused by changes of ownership for journals, then
repositories provide a useful insurance against copies served by publisher
sites possibly dropping off the net.

3) The big difference is that you no longer need to mandate deposit to the
repository - you can more effectively gather the content through direct
push relationships with publishers, or harvesting the content. And there
should be no license restrictions against that (e.g. they ought to be CC-BY)

4) Repositories can also serve as a platform for enabling additional
services - e.g. text-mining - across multiple publisher's content.

Now for the slightly conflicting:

5) We shouldn't be worried about maintaining repository infrastructure as a
matter of ideology. If there is no need for repository infrastructure, what
does it matter if it degrades? However, as I've pointed out, there are
other reasons to consider infrastructure to hold research outputs, beyond
making them publicly accessible in lieu of the publishers site providing


On 3 February 2014 10:53, Gerritsma, Wouter <wouter.gerritsma at wur.nl> wrote:

>  Dear All,
> In a reaction to the speech of Junior Minister @SanderDekker, during
> APE2014, I have written a blogpost on the subject of improving the OA
> infrastructure in The Netherlands.
> For those interested this can be found at
> http://wowter.net/2014/02/02/week-review-week-5-2014/
> Yours sincerely
> Wouter
> Wouter Gerritsma
> Team leader research support
> Information Specialist - Bibliometrician
> Wageningen UR Library
> PO box 9100
> 6700 HA Wageningen
> The Netherlands
> ++31 3174 83052
> Wouter.gerritsma at wur.nl <Wouter.gerritsma at wur.nl%0d>
> wageningenur.nl/library
> @wowter <http://twitter.com/Wowter/>
> wowter.net
> #AWCP http://tinyurl.com/mk65m36
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