[Open-access] Crossposting to list and quoting

Peter Murray-Rust pm286 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Jan 29 10:21:14 UTC 2014

Two suggestions about list discipline.

The latest thread on this list was also posted in parallel to open-science
although there was not always much open-scientific content. This can have a
downside as (say) the open-science memebers get large amounts of material
no of direct relevance.

It's partly my fault - I failed to notice the original crossposting and my
reply automatically re-crossposted and it went on from there...

I'd suggest that posts are only directed at one list. If there seems a need
to post to more than one list consider what the likely response would be
and post a copy to any list rather than crossposting.

The various lists have been set up to reflect different interest groups.
Where interests overlap it's probably safe to assume that many people will
have dual subscriptions.

Also be careful in quoting. Only quote the material relevant and snip it
where possible. This makes it easier for those who (say) need audio readers
or people wishing to summarise discussions.



Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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