[Open-access] Springer launches first open access journal in Religion: International Journal of Dharma Studies

Omega Alpha | Open Access oa.openaccess at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 18:08:54 UTC 2014

Springer launches first open access journal in Religion: International Journal of Dharma Studies
It was almost two years ago that I received an email from the then publishing editor in Religion and Philosophy at Springer Science+Business Media expressing an interest by the publisher to launch open access journals in Religion. I wrote about the conversation I had with the editor in response to that email back in March 2012.
At that point Springer had no open access journals in Religious Studies, although it published seven subscription-based journals in the discipline. This has now changed. At the end of 2013 the International Journal of Dharma Studies (ISSN 2196-8802) launched on the SpringerOpen platform.


Gary F. Daught
Omega Alpha | Open Access
Advocate for open access academic publishing in religion and theology
oa.openaccess at gmail dot com | @OAopenaccess

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