[Open-access] [open-science] Open Science Anthology published

Graham Triggs grahamtriggs at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 19:23:24 UTC 2014

On 28 January 2014 17:08, Heather Morrison <Heather.Morrison at uottawa.ca>wrote:

> Questions for you:
>  1. Are you arguing that downstream use that is not free of charge is
> prohibited by the CC-BY license?
>  2. Assuming your answer to 1. is yes, then would you agree that if
> someone takes CC-BY licensed works and creates a work that they intend to
> sell (e.g. a print or e-book based on scholarly articles or a commercial
> next-generation search service), then that is prohibited by a CC-BY license?

Question for you:

Are you suggesting that a single entity (e.g. publisher) can take a CC-BY
licensed work, and arbitrarily determine to sell it - in so doing,
eradicate all previously distributed, stored, freely available CC-BY
versions of the same work, such that they can force people into paying for
the version that is being sold?

CC-BY does not prevent somebody from selling a version of the work, but it
does prevent it being sold without acknowledging the CC-BY version, and as
long as you know that there is a CC-BY version, then the only thing that
prevents you from being able to obtain (and use, and re-use) it freely is
carelessness. As long as you take the CC-BY version, and redistribute it -
e.g. via a number of institution or subject repositories - then it will
forever be available at no cost.

Nothing can be done to change that, and it's not simply a theoretical point
- exactly the same conditions have been tested time and time again with
open source software (with derivatives being taken into a commercial

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