[Open-access] Crowdsourcing request + BMJ OA Policy

ANDREW Theo Theo.Andrew at ed.ac.uk
Thu Mar 20 16:33:09 UTC 2014

>Yes, and we have to fight this. Noticed that Wiley seems to have slipped back. And the problem is that they market CC-NC to academics as >being in authors' interests.

Peter is right.  Currently we have no data on what type of licences people are choosing. The Wellcome Trust ask for CC BY, but it is starting to look like many of the authors they fund are not choosing this.


From: peter.murray.rust at googlemail.com [mailto:peter.murray.rust at googlemail.com] On Behalf Of Peter Murray-Rust
Sent: 20 March 2014 16:02
Cc: Jenny Molloy; open-access at lists.okfn.org
Subject: Re: [Open-access] Crowdsourcing request + BMJ OA Policy

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 3:06 PM, ANDREW Theo <Theo.Andrew at ed.ac.uk<mailto:Theo.Andrew at ed.ac.uk>> wrote:
Hi Jenny,

Thanks for stopping by the spreadsheet and filling in a few rows - much appreciated!

There appears to be a few gremlins in Google's servers which are affecting the drop down lists. Very frustrating.

I've turned off rejection for invalid data and replaced it with a warning rule which seems to have fixed things. I'll now go through and update your BMJ records.

The licence information is proving to be a really interesting area. A lot of publishers seemingly don't like CC-BY because of the impact is has on their reprint sales.

Yes, and we have to fight this. Noticed that Wiley seems to have slipped back. And the problem is that they market CC-NC to academics as being in authors' interests.

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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