[Open-access] AIMS Newsletter no 45. November 2015

Thembani Malapela tmalapela at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 12:26:00 UTC 2015

The AIMS November Newsletter focuses on Research4Life as a lead
article.However, the newsletter highlights the different activities carried
out with the agricultural information management in the areas of metadata,
data, open data and linked open data. The newsletter provides also a
catalog of events including the Webinars at AIMS and various conferences and
workshop in the upcoming quarter.

Peruse the newsletter here http://bit.ly/1TrDJoB

To subscribe click here http://aims.fao.org/user/register


Thembani Malapela

Knowledge and Information Management Officer

Office of Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy

Tel: +39 06 570 55577

Skype: malapela
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