[Open-access] Perfect class assignment to support Open Access and Public Impact

Brevy Org brevyorg at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 04:01:42 UTC 2016

Hello All,

For all higher ed educators reading, we'd like to encourage you to consider
trying our new project (http://brevy.org) out as a novel way to get

   -  involved with real research and its literature
   -  to contributed to a larger and meaningful framework
   -  supporting open access and public understanding

Brevy <http://brevy.org> is a wiki for plain language summaries of
peer-reviewed research aimed at making research accessible and
understandable by all. Adding summaries on Brevy is extremely quick and
easy. Although we'd love researchers to add their own works, we think
having students...

   1. Find a paper of interest (or one prescribed by the teacher)
   2. Add a summary of that paper on Brevy
   3. Review class-mate's summaries on Brevy for quality and accuracy using
   Brevy's talk pages

...would be a great and quick class project for accomplishing the goals

Brevy is still in somewhat Beta stages, so we encourage you to hop on and
try a summary out first as we might can make the changes you're interested
in, but it could easily support a class project in this style across most

Feel free to send us your thoughts and please share with relevant

-Josh @ Brevy
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