[open-archaeology] Phone meeting tomorrow

Stefano Costa stefano.costa at okfn.org
Thu Aug 19 15:56:15 UTC 2010

An interesting commentary by Stuart Dunn about grey literature -
particularly archaeological grey literature. Re-tweeted (*) from original
comment by Jo Walsh:

I'm not entirely convinced that "photos, GIS/GPS points, spreadsheets" make
for a good digital equivalent of an excavation report, no matter how "grey"
it is - this could explain why some people are so scared of digital
publishing. However, we should acknowledge that traditional means of
publishing are still widely adopted, especially in lo-fi research/work
environments. On the other hand, we should promote the idea that much more
can be done using digital tools in a "native" way instead of thinking in
terms of typewriter, camera, data sheet. In other words, digital content
should not be seen in reductive terms, i.e. standardising by lowering the
bar. A nice story about richness in traditional archaeological recording by
William Caraher:


(*) I am retweeting relevant material with the #openarcheo hashtag
http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23openarcheo and it would be great if others
start doing the same :-)
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