[open-archaeology] starting
Stefano Costa
stefano.costa at okfn.org
Thu Jan 21 12:55:40 UTC 2010
Dear friends and colleagues,
now that a dedicated mailing list was created for the Working Group on
Open Data in Archaeology, I'd like to start discussing the tasks that I
think we should undertake in the following months. I and Jonathan Gray
of the OKF have already agreed that there are some actions that are
quite easy and should be completed as soon as possible, namely:
* write a post on OKFN blog
* Explaining background
* Why open data in archaeology?
* Introducing WG
* Mentioning mailing list
* writing a document that explores arguments in favour of open
data in archeology - to use as a manifesto and easy to refer to
when introducing our initiative
* for those datasets that are already listed on CKAN but are
missing a clear license statement, make a public enquiry using
the Is It Open? service <http://www.isitopendata.org/> (a side
project of CKAN)
On the long term, the two main parallel tasks I see are going to be:
* the "hunt" for open data, either by means of public enquiries
(see above) or targeted talks with colleagues and supervisors
* the collection of knowledge about national (and possibly
regional) standards for archaeological data, both from a
technical point of view (formats, thesauri, repositories and
catalogues, unique IDs) and from a legal/bureaucratic point of
view (who owns rights, who doesn't - and how much current
restrictions derive from law, opposite to habits)
Please comment freely on this brief plan, and remember that being a
coordinator makes me no dictator - you are all equally welcome and
encouraged to take part in everything that is done here :-)
Best regards,
Stefano Costa
Coordinator, Working Group on Open Data in Archaeology
The Open Knowledge Foundation
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