[open-archaeology] Ethics, archaeology and open data

Michael Charno mdc502 at york.ac.uk
Tue May 11 14:15:12 UTC 2010

Hi all,

This is all really interesting and definitely a worthy discussion...

<snip />

On 11/05/10 13:28, Jo Walsh wrote:
> There was a suggestion there might be space in JISC's London office
> but it could also be good to do something at the ADS in York, a 
> meeting in the middle sort of a place, packed with heritage.

Just talked to Stuart Jeffrey about hosting something here at the ADS 
and we reckon that there shouldn't be a problem booking a room for a 
workshop (depending on whether its during term time or not).  We would 
probably only be able to provide a venue, but if someone else is 
interested in organising it we would be very interested in 


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