[open-archaeology] Archaeology and CKAN.........DART

Ant Beck ant.beck at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 11:11:35 UTC 2013

Dear All,

Many thanks Stefano and Rufus for these links. I was particularly struck 
by Max Ogden's Dat project:https://github.com/maxogden/dat

In light of this I thought it timely to share our new CKAN repository 
with you: http://dartportal.leeds.ac.uk/

It currently hosts all of the data for the DART project: 

The repository hosts over 1tb of data under open licences. We have 
developed an automated ingest sequence that adds rich metadata to each 
of the resources in the collection. The repository itself is CKAN from 
the OKF. It employs the OAI-PMH plugin (which needs some tweaking) and 
we are in discussions with the ADS about the practicalities of 
harvesting this data and in the future expect this to go out to other 
organisations (Europeana, etc.). I also hope to secure longer term 
support from the University of Leeds which may mean attributing DOIs to 
each of the resources so that if they are relocated in the future the 
DOI will be maintained as a constant identifier (we may migrate the data 
over to FigShare/ADS etc. if longer term support can't be found).

As the data (please note some is zipped) is openly exposed we can build 
processing scripts pointing directly at the resources. This allow us to 
share our processing, analysis and visualization scripts with the 
community which should kick start some more collaborations.

I am also developing a backend UML which formally integrates the 
resources within a PostGresql environment (the database resources will 
also be available as csv tables within the repository for alternative 
access). This will be the basis for a data-mining environment. I also 
hope to use D2RQ http://d2rq.org/ to expose this data as RDF (although 
that may depend on further funding)

Be warned: we are still tweaking and uploading data.

And as a final shameless plug we are holding a workshop in Leeds that 
will discuss the project. Of particular interest to this group is the 
afternoon session where we have discussants (practitioners, curators, 
policy makers and other stakeholders) for an open debate. It is likely 
that much of the discussion will cover open-data and open-archaeology. 
There are bursaries available. You can find details at: 

Best wishes


On 06/08/13 18:25, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> Hi Stefano,
> Looks great. I don't know if folks here saw this post I put up a few 
> weeks ago:
> http://blog.okfn.org/2013/07/02/git-and-github-for-data/
> Hope to see some of the folks here in person at the Open Knowledge 
> Conference <http://okcon.org/> in September in Geneva!
> Rufus
> On 6 August 2013 16:58, Stefano Costa <stefano.costa at okfn.org 
> <mailto:stefano.costa at okfn.org>> wrote:
>     Dear open data diggers,
>     has anyone read the "Archaeology and GitHub" post by Kristina
>     Killgrove?
>     http://www.poweredbyosteons.org/2013/08/archaeology-and-github.html
>     I have already commented there so I will keep it short, but I think
>     there's clearly a lot of potential based on this personal effort: we
>     could provide shared guidelines about formats, licensing and any other
>     topic you will find useful.
>     All the best,
>     steko
>     --
>     Stefano Costa
>     Open Knowledge Foundation Italia http://it.okfn.org/
>     Open Data in Archaeology http://archaeology.okfn.org/
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