[open-archaeology] Open Data Licences and the Heritage Lottery Fund (great guidance but recommend the NC clause) - lobbying activity

Anthony Beck A.R.Beck at leeds.ac.uk
Fri Feb 8 14:59:32 UTC 2013

Thanks Jonathan,

Appreciated. Is there any chance we could put this in front of someone at OKF who can tighten up, or confirm, the legal statements? I don't want it to misrepresent anything.


On 08/02/13 14:50, Jonathan Gray wrote:

On 8 February 2013 09:30, Anthony Beck <A.R.Beck at leeds.ac.uk<mailto:A.R.Beck at leeds.ac.uk>> wrote:
Lastly, I'd prefer it if the document were signed personally, only insofar as OKFN is an open forum and there is no established mechanism in place to gauge either how many people are in fact being consulted, or what ratio of them are actually in support. A claim of 'tacit' agreement by known contributors would be both unfair on them and weaken the status of the document.
Fair point. The text can be easily changed to directly represent the signatories. Best to do this once we've decided where else to circulate (Antiquist/ADS others) - Broader distribution obviously has time implications

For what its worth - I don't think it would be an issue to include the Open Knowledge Foundation as an organisational signatory for this (or to say that the document originated from the OKF Archeology Working Group). In any case I've signed the document.

Jonathan Gray<http://jonathangray.org/> | @jwyg<http://twitter.com/jwyg>
Director of Policy and Ideas
The Open Knowledge Foundation<http://okfn.org/> | @okfn<http://twitter.com/okfn>
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Anthony Beck
OrdID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2991-811X
Research Fellow
DART Project
School of Computing
University of Leeds

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