[open-archaeology] DART Open Archaeological Repository OKF blog post

Ant Beck ant.beck at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 12:14:21 UTC 2014

Hi All,

We've just put a blog post onto the OKF about DART: 
This is the scene setting piece and will be followed up soon by two 
other posts that go into more detail about what we've done.

I've also been told that Leeds University is intending to formally 
embrace the content in the repository (which will also mean it gets a 
DOI). This means our whole archive will be deposited in long-term 
preservation formats in a long-term desposition environment (it should 
be noted that whilst DART have (and are still) depositing with the ADS, 
the holdings at the ADS will only ever be a sub-set of the holdings in 
the repository).

Also, Leeds have also agreed to host an externally accessible select 
only postgres database to hold the integrated data. This will form the 
backbone of our online query and analysis environment. So good on Leeds :-)




Hi all,

There's a nice new blog post on the Open Knowledge Foundation's blog
about the DART project (and its CKAN repository) by Ant Beck and Dave
Harrison, arguing that progress in science requires collaborating
around open data:


A second post, on the state of scientific repositories generally and
why DART needed to build its own, is promised. If we're all very nice
to Ant (who is of course on this list) there may also be a third one
on the technical aspects of building it with CKAN in due course.



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