[open-bibliography] Antw: Open Bibliographic Data at IFLA (+ an introduction of myself)

Adrian Pohl pohl at hbz-nrw.de
Tue Aug 10 07:20:18 UTC 2010

Hello Anders,

sorry you get that late an answer but I was on vacation. It's great to
know you already are on this list. As I've heard about your talk in
Gotheburg I already thought that I have to invite you soon...

Concerning the flyers: As far as I know, no flyers have been printed
yet. We are working on a German version on the flyer and as soon as we
are done with it we will post it to the list so that layout/logo may be

Feel free to add yourself to the working group member list at


>>> Anders Söderbäck 05.08.10 13.20 Uhr >>>
Dear everyone,
I have been lurking on this list since the beginning,and think it is
time I introduced myself to the list. I work at the NationalLibrary of
Sweden with coordination of development regarding the Swedish
LIBRISunion catalog/search service/bibliographic infrastructure, etc. I
was involvedwith publishing LIBRIS as linked data a few years ago and I
have probably metmany participants on this list at different library
conferences. My maininterest in open bibliographic data comes from
thinking  that it is the bestway to achieve a bibliographic
infrastructure that maximises usability,promotes innovation, and is
long-term sustainable. If possible, I’d like to be added as a member
of the (already quite large) working group. 
Next week I will give a presentation on ”WhyOpen Access to
Bibliographic Metadata Matters, for Libraries and for the World”at the
IFLA Satellite Meeting on “Open Access and the Changing Role
will also give short presentations on “LIBRIS and Open Data”
atsomething called the Speakers Corner in the conference venue. The
SpeakersCorner will be located in something called “the library
lounge” - aplace where the IFLA delegates can relax, recharge their
laptops etc. I am notsure how many people will actually be interested in
the presentations at theSpeakers Corner, but this morning I realized
that it would be perfect to have aprint flyer on open data. 
In May there was discussion on this list regarding anOpen Bibliographic
Data Flyer. The work seem to have continued during the virtualmeeting on
july 6th. Has this flyer been finished? The text is verygood, but
obviously it needs some editing and lay-out before it can be printed.I
probably will not have time to do this before next week, but if this has
alreadybeen done by someone else I would be happy do distribute such
papers duringIFLA.
I have seen that Patrick Danowski will give apresentation on open
bibliographic data at .If there are more people from thislist going to
Gothenburg next week, I suggest some kind of meet up. 
Best regards
Anders Söderbäck
Anders Söderbäck
NationalCooperation department

Kungl. biblioteket/National Library of Sweden
Mail: Box 5039,102 41 Stockholm
Visits: Biblioteksgatan 29, Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 463 42 53
Fax: +46 8 463 42 65
Mobile:+46 73 917 24 20
E-mail: anders.soderback at kb.se 


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