[open-bibliography] Mendeley and open data...

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Tue Aug 31 08:42:46 UTC 2010

  Thomas Krichel writes
>   Peter Murray-Rust writes
> > Available isn't good enough. That's the point of the Open
> > Defintion. If it's just "available" and you re-use it without
> > permission they can send the lawyers. They can close the site, etc.

  I understand that. But there are businesses such as Google, who
  index millions of sites every day. I am no lawyer, but I think that
  if you strictly interpret the law they would have to get prior
  consent to every copyright holder of every web page they index. They
  have not been closed.

>   It's a waste of time and effort worrying about this. 
> > On the contrary. Open metadata is essential for libraries.
>   Why?

  Let me make it clear that I mean libraries here is the
  traditional sense, as organizations that purchase information
  commodities and services and provide access to a defined 


  Thomas Krichel                    http://openlib.org/home/krichel
                                               skype: thomaskrichel

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