[open-bibliography] Announce: Open Bibliography (JISCOBIB)

Peter Murray-Rust pm286 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Jun 24 12:42:55 UTC 2010

This is to announce the exciting news of a grant from JISC (
http://www.jisc.ac.uk/ ) to support an Open Bibliography project for about a
year. The project partners are:
* University of Cambridge, Chemistry Department, Peter Murray-Rust
(Principal Investigator)
* The Open Knowledge Foundation
* The British Library (BL)
* The University Library, University of Cambridge (CUL)
* The International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
* The Public Library of Science [PLoS]

The project is very closely coupled to a complementary project from David
Shotton (PI) at Oxford on Open Citations.

To distinguish the project it has the unique tag #jiscobib

The project starts next week and its first activities will be to create a
project plan for approval by JISC, and to create a web presence.

The proposal concentrates on:
* developing the practice of Open bibliography (tools, protocols, legal
issues, etc.)
* cases studies on selected bibliographic resources. The primary ones are:
-- catalogue material ftom the BL
-- catalogue material from the CUL
-- Open Access (CC-BY) publications from the IUCr

The main funded staff are Ben O'Steen, Rufus Pollock and Peter Murray-Rust.
We are extremely grateful for very significant contributions from the
partners, including the promise of material which can be made Open.

It is expected that the tools and protocols are generally suitable for
making Open bibliographies. The project will welcome suggestions for
contributions of material, effort and expertise (and has already received
some offers). We expect these to be discussed and reported on this list or
other lists/pages created by the project.

As I (PM-R) have gaps in my bibliographic knowledge I may take the
opportunity to ask some questions on this list which may also be useful for
other newcomers to the subject.

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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