[open-bibliography] British Library data announcement

William Waites ww at eris.okfn.org
Sat Nov 20 10:49:18 GMT 2010

one that stands out, while not an error in rdf syntax is the treatment
of isbns. they appear as dc:identifier, which is fine, though
bibo:isbn might be better, but they are expressed as
URN:ISBN:0123456789 - as a string literal rather than a
resource. additionally it is uncommon th uppercase the prefix there,
and case does matter.

also, none of the records have uris. they are all identified with
blank nodes. so one of the first things we did was to mint uris for
them - htttp://bnb.bibliographica.org/entry/... (sorry, on the train
right now, typing into my mobile so i can't get a real example, but if
you run the default sparql query you should find something). in an
ideal world each record in the british national bibliography will have
an identifier like http://bnb.bl.uk/GB123ABC that will dereference,
etc. - note for this dataset we've used the bnb id - which itself
wants a special predicate rather than just dc:identifier, or maybe a
datatype for use with skos:notation - as the primary identifier, since
that seemed appropriate...
last note, http://bnb.bibliographica.org/ is not yet for general
consumption, still need to hook together some bits of the user
interface for searching etc. over the next couple of days, so if you
do poke around, please consider it a preview for an interested
community rather than a finished product.


* [2010-11-18 15:24:24 -0000] Deliot, Corine <Corine.Deliot at bl.uk> écrit:

] Ben, 
] Your blog entry makes interesting reading. 
] With reference to the occurrences of rdf:description instead of
] rdf:Description, these have now been corrected and an updated version
] (0.3.1) of the data is now available directly from the British Library.
] Your post mentions RDF errors. Beyond the one noted above, is there
] anything else? Obviously, we rely on user feedback to improve our
] output; so, if there is anything else, please let us know.
] Regards
] Corine
] *********************************
] Corine Deliot
] Metadata Standards Analyst
] The British Library
] Boston Spa, Wetherby
] West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ
] e-mail: corine.deliot at bl.uk
] *********************************
] -----Original Message-----
] From: open-bibliography-bounces at lists.okfn.org
] [mailto:open-bibliography-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Ben
] O'Steen
] Sent: 2010-11-18 09:25
] To: List for Working Group on Open Bibliographic Data
] Subject: Re: [open-bibliography] British Library data announcement
] On Thu, 2010-11-18 at 09:12 +0000, Christopher Gutteridge wrote:
] > http://vocab.org/bio/0.1/.html#Death (although has a level of 
] > indirection you may find annoying. You can't just say X died Y, you
] have 
] > to say X Death D
] > D date Y
] Yep - I've even drawn some pics about that :)
] http://openbiblio.net/2010/11/17/augmenting-the-british-librarys-rdf-dat
] a-to-allow-for-disambiguation/
] Ben
] > 
] > Peter Murray-Rust wrote:
] > > Thanks Will,
] > >
] > > One great idea for a use-case has surfaced today (anonymous, but
] I'll 
] > > give credit if I get permission) - to add the author's death-date to
] > > bibliography. This has immediate and widespread practicality in the 
] > > OKF with the release of the copyright calculator. It should be 
] > > possible to mashup chunks of the bibliography with DBPedia and I
] would 
] > > expect this could resolve many authors (with, of course the problem
] of 
] > > disambiguation). However known lists of authors with death dates
] might 
] > > also help with the disambiguation.
] > >
] > > But maybe you have all thought of this already.
] > >
] > > -- 
] > > Peter Murray-Rust
] > > Reader in Molecular Informatics
] > > Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
] > > University of Cambridge
] > > CB2 1EW, UK
] > > +44-1223-763069
] > >
] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
] > >
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] > >   
] > 
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William Waites
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