[open-bibliography] ORCID SURVEY

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Mon Oct 11 07:38:38 UTC 2010

  Jim Pitman writes

> ORCID, Inc. is a recently constituted non-profit organization
> dedicated to solving the name ambiguity problem in scholarly
> research. See http://www.orcid.org/board-directors for its board of
> directors and a link to the press release about its formation.

  I have been involved in its technical committee.

> Possibly if its open data, open API. 

  For it to be open data, you need to be able to get a copy
  of the data. Then an API does not matter. 

>  If its a closed membership club like Xref, count on me and others in the open biblio community 
> http://wiki.okfn.org/wg/bibliography
> to create and maintain a competing and I expect ultimately more successful distributed system for purposes of academic research, based on open data principles.

  I am already maintaining AuthorClaim as a free system for
  authors claiming papers. Close to 100,000,000 authorships
  can be claimed there. 

> On the question of what data I think ORCID should keep. As long as
> it is open, then as much as possible, subject only to privacy and
> copyright laws

  In AuthorClaim, that is only the password of a user
  for the system, and the email address. The author may
  decide to make her email public, but private is the
  default setting.


  Thomas Krichel                    http://openlib.org/home/krichel
                                               skype: thomaskrichel

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