[open-bibliography] Changes on openbiblio wiki

Adrian Pohl adrian.pohl at okfn.org
Thu Oct 21 09:47:01 UTC 2010

Rufus, all your change suggestions sound reasonable.

2010/10/20 Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>:
> On 19 October 2010 11:14, Adrian Pohl <ad.pohl at googlemail.com> wrote:
> [...]
>> 2. I rearranged the Working Group's web presence a bit.
>> About the group's wiki:
> This is really great Adrian. Couple of minor suggestions:
> 1. Avoid putting explicit spaces in page names as they render as %20.
> Suggest using '_' instead. E.g.
> "Relevant_projects" rather than "Relevant projects" (which becomes
> "Relevant%20projects"

Ok, I will do that in the future.

> 2. Put wg related pages 'under' the wg/bibliography page (examples below)

Ok, I didn't know how to do that (now I know). It is true that this
gives the wiki some structure. (So, MoinMoin can be used as kind of a
hierarchical wiki...)

> I note a rename in moinmoin is very easy so we can almost do this is
> one click if you're happy with this.

I couldn't find out how to do the renaming. If you could do this, it
would be great. If it is possible for any user to rename I would be
happy to learn how it works.


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