[open-bibliography] 'Art Meets Astrophysics': Galaxy Zoo and Citizen Science - does this extend to Bibliography?

Peter Murray-Rust pm286 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Sep 29 16:38:12 UTC 2010

At the risk of too much cross-posting, here is an example of citizen

Some of us in #jiscopenbib have floated the idea with JISC and others of
citizien bibliographer and bibliography camps. If art can be catalogued in
this way then so can books, journals etc.


---------- Forwarded message ------

While the immediate context is a specific project in the cataloguing of oil
paintings, the model of public engagement and research which this project
brings to bear on its task has much wider implications for research across
the Arts & Humanities, and across Colleges. Specifically, it is relevant to
a number of themes and ambitions which we have already identified through
the Arts Lab research mapping project, and it can be applied to most of the
emerging themes highlighted by the AHRC.

Galaxy Zoo is the most high profile and developed example of the methodology
of Citizen Science and there is much to learn from it and from its
application in the ‘Your Paintings’ project. Information on Galaxy Zoo can
be found at http://www.galaxyzoo.org/

For further information on the philosophy and methodology of ‘citizen
science’ and the Citizen Science Alliance, however, please check out

In this context, I hope the ‘Art meets Astrophysics’ seminar will be of
interest to you.

Professor John Caughie
Director, Arts Lab
College of Arts


Email: john.caughie at glasgow.ac.uk
Tel.: 0141 330 7383

P.A.:  Anna Rosenfeldt
Email: anna.rosenfeldt at glasgow.ac.uk
Tel.: 0141 330 7382

You are cordially invited to attend the first seminar of the new Arts Lab &
HATII Seminar Series: *"New Directions in Digital Humanities"*:

*Applying the Galaxy Zoo model of public engagement to the cataloguing of
the nation’s oil paintings*

*7 October 2010 5.15pm*

Main Lecture Theatre - Sir Alexander Stone Building
16 University Gardens, Glasgow

The Public Catalogue Foundation has been collecting information on the
200,000 oil paintings in public ownership in the UK. Before the Your
Paintings database is put online to the public by the BBC it needs to be
made fully searchable by tagging with concepts such as subject, style and

The enormous task of (reliably and accurately) describing the pictorial
content of 200,000 paintings requires a revolutionary new approach ... that
developed by Galaxy Zoo to analyse the structures of galaxies. Galaxy Zoo 2,
for example, attracted 250,000 amateur participants who made 60 million
classifications of 250,000 galaxies in 14 months, which, with the
application of clever statistical algorithms, produced results as accurate
as professional astronomers would have achieved.

Andrew Greg
Director, National Inventory Research Project, History of Art, University of
Andrew.Greg at glasgow.ac.uk

Dr Arfon Smith
Galaxy Zoo Technical Lead, Oxford Astrophysics, University of Oxford
Arfon.Smith at astro.ox.ac.uk

Anna Rosenfeldt
PA to the Director of Arts Lab

Phone: +44 (0)141 330 7382
Email: anna.rosenfeldt at glasgow.ac.uk
Web: www.gla.ac.uk/artslab/

University of Glasgow
16 University Gardens
Glasgow G12 8QL

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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