[open-bibliography] New BNB sample data available

Simon Spero ses at unc.edu
Fri Feb 4 21:42:59 UTC 2011

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Antoine Isaac <aisaac at few.vu.nl> wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> As this coordination issue is complex indeed, this was not handled in SKOS.
> Instead it relies on specific extensions to be designed--this is MADS/RDF
> [1] is made for, in fact!

There are complexities in the syntax and semantics of subdivided,
coordinated, compound, and faceted headings that aren't really addressed by
the MADS/RDF proposal.

I have a presentation covering  some  aspects of the semantics of subdivided
and faceted headings at ISKO-UK conference  in London this year.

One thing to be careful of with prefLabel is that SKOS does not explicitly
express the constraint that  prefLabel's must be unique in a given scheme.
 This restriction is tricky to express, even with OWL 2  Key Properties, as
prefLabels are annotation properties, and are thus not covered by the OWL 2
 semantics.  The constraint can be expressed for skosxl, as skosxl:prefLabel
is an ObjectProperty, and literalForm is a DataProperty (though there's a
little bit of trickiness needed to make sure that two Labels with the same
literalForm aren't used as skosxl:prefLabel for different concepts).  Also,
if the same label is used for two concepts, HasKey will infer that they are

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