[open-bibliography] DPLA

Maura Marx maura at knowledgecommons.org
Wed Feb 16 18:33:22 UTC 2011

Hello all,

Please contribute your ideas to this initiative!

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society recently announced that it will
host a research and planning initiative for a “Digital Public Library of
America <http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/research/dpla>.” With funding from the
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Berkman will convene a large and diverse group
of stakeholders in a planning program to define the scope, architecture,
costs and administration for a proposed Digital Public Library of America.

As part of this program, we've created a public discussion listserv and a
project wiki to help bring together representatives from the educational
community, public and research libraries, cultural organizations, state and
local government, publishers, authors, and private industry to discuss
legal, policy, and technical issues surrounding public access to
comprehensive online resources. We hope to emerge with a concrete workplan
and a governance structure that captures the consensus of representatives of
the country’s libraries, universities, archives, and museums for moving
forward together with a shared vision.

We very much hope that these tools will embody a consensus-based and
peer-produced approach, and we encourage you to participate in developing
these resources and conversations.

DPLA Wiki: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/dpla/Main_Page

Public Discussion Listserv:

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with
Rebekah Heacock, Project Coordinator, at rheacock at cyber.law.harvard.edu

Looking forward to your thoughts -

Maura Marx
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet and Society
Executive Director, Open Knowledge Commons
direct: 617-384-9131
mobile: 617-835-3510
email: maura at knowledgecommons.org <mmarx at cyber.law.harvard.edu>
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