[open-bibliography] New BNB sample data available

Houghton,Andrew houghtoa at oclc.org
Thu Feb 3 20:03:18 UTC 2011

> From: public-lld-request at w3.org [mailto:public-lld-request at w3.org] On
> Behalf Of Antoine Isaac
> Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 13:54
> To: open-bibliography at lists.okfn.org; public-lld
> Subject: Re: New BNB sample data available
>      <dcterms:subject>
>        <rdf:Description>
>          <skos:inScheme
> rdf:resource="http://id.loc.gov/authorities#conceptScheme" />
>          <skos:prefLabel>Görner, Rüdiger--Travel--England--
> London.</skos:prefLabel>
>          <rdf:type
> rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept" />
>        </rdf:Description>
>      </dcterms:subject>
>      <dcterms:subject>
>        <rdf:Description
> rdf:about="http://id.loc.gov/authorities/sh2008107012#concept">
>          <skos:inScheme
> rdf:resource="http://id.loc.gov/authorities#conceptScheme" />
>          <skos:prefLabel>Literary landmarks--England--
> London.</skos:prefLabel>
>          <rdf:type
> rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept" />
>        </rdf:Description>
>      </dcterms:subject>
> So I understand why you define "on-the-fly" (and "in-the-data") the
> concepts that you can't find in the LCSH linked data. And I think this
> is a reasonable solution.

There is an issue with the way the RDF is specified IMHO and you have to 
read the SKOS specification to understand the implications of the above


S13 skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties. 
S14 A resource has no more than one value of skos:prefLabel per language tag.

If LC declares:

@BASE <http://id.loc.gov/authorities/>
<sh2008107012#concept> skos:prefLabel "Literary landmarks--England--London."

and the above RDF declares the same, then the integrity constraint S13 and S14 are
violated because there now exists two triples in the combined graph of resources
that say the same thing, thus S13 is violated because of the pairwise disjoint 
constraint and S14 is violated because there is more than one skos:prefLabel per 

If you want to do something like this then IMHO use rdfs:label instead of 
skos:prefLabel to get around integrity constraints S13 and S14.


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