[open-bibliography] JATS - journal article tag suite

Thomas Krichel krichel at openlib.org
Thu Jul 7 08:37:32 UTC 2011

  Karen Coyle writes

> Since many of you are heavily involved in journal article metadata,
> you might be interested in this.

  Yes, thank you for drawing this to our attention.

> http://www.niso.org/workrooms/journalmarkup
> It appears to be a newer version of what was the NLM journal
> tagging, which I'm not familiar with.

  I am to some extend, since the Open Library Society is a 
  PubMed "vendor".

> I have taken a very brief look
> at the citation format and it's extremely complex... complex of the
> type that I wonder if anyone will use it, if you know what I mean.

  I know what you mean. 
  But PubMed use it. Bar CrossRef, they are the biggest fish in the
  journal article metadata pond. The quality of their data has no
  rival. CrossRef data is pretty crappy, when you get it, that is.
  I understand many publishers have adopted it if they are
  working with PubMed.


  Thomas Krichel                    http://openlib.org/home/krichel
                                               skype: thomaskrichel

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