[open-bibliography] Fwd: [LODLAM] Get Yourself a Linked Data Piece of WorldCat to Play With

Owen Stephens owen at ostephens.com
Fri Aug 17 22:43:42 UTC 2012

On 17 Aug 2012, at 17:53, Luc Gauvreau <lgovro at gmail.com> wrote:

> A kind of "Linked data and RDF for dummies" will be very usefull.

Hi Luc,

I've written a few bits and pieces as I've learned about RDF and linked data that I hope might be useful:

and most recently http://www.meanboyfriend.com/overdue_ideas/2012/08/what-to-do-with-linked-data/

These are partly reflective pieces, and not intended as tutorials, but they do cover some of the underlying pieces and reflect my own journey learning about linked data so I hope they are some help.

I also wrote about my experiences querying RDF published by the British Museum using SPARQL: http://www.meanboyfriend.com/overdue_ideas/2011/12/experimenting-with-british-museum-data/. 

However, for a more structured introduction to RDF and SPARQL, specifically with bibliographic data in mind, I'd highly recommend this tutorial written by Ed Chamberlain at the University of Cambridge:

Hope some of these help

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