[open-bibliography] Thanks to Tom Baker!

Xavier Agenjo xavier.agenjo at larramendi.es
Tue Feb 21 16:45:11 UTC 2012

As it has been send to different lists (sorry for cross-posting) the Spanish translation[1] of the final documents of the W3C LLD are already available at.

This mail is just to make a special mention to Tom Baker who has read the Spanish version and has made some useful comments.

¡Muchas gracias, Tom!

[1] http://www.larramendi.es/i18n/cms/elemento.cmd?grupo=estaticos/paginas&elemento=documentacion_tecnica_lam.html

Xavier Agenjo Bullón
Director de Proyectos
Fundación Ignacio Larramendi
Claudio Coello, 123, 1º
28006 Madrid
Telf.: (34) 915 81 25 37
Fax.:  (34) 915 81 47 36
xavier.agenjo at larramendi.es<mailto:xavier.agenjo at larramendi.es>

Certificado ISO 9001.
 P No imprimir si no es necesario. Protejamos el Medio Ambiente

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