[open-bibliography] Bibliographical data for the world's lesser known languages

Mark MacGillivray mark at odaesa.com
Sat Mar 3 00:45:00 UTC 2012

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 10:47 PM, Jim Pitman <pitman at stat.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Mark MacGillivray <mark at odaesa.com> wrote:
>> Also our bibjson format is detailed
>> at http://bibjson.org (you can add licence details to each record if
>> you desire - http://bibjson.org/#license).
> Mark, this is not what you indicated in previous discussion when you implied it
> was obvious that the license assertion was about the work being indexed by the
> record, and not the record itself.

Yes, by default I think it is obvious that license information is
about the work rather than the record itself, and I have no personal
interest in attaching licenses to bibliographic metadata records; but
this does not mean that others cannot, if they desire.

> we need a convention to indicate whether the license assertion in a BibJSON record is
> about the record itself, or about the work it refers to.

Yes, any suggestions from the list on how we might identify a license
object as being about the record itself rather than the work would be


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