[open-bibliography] Fwd: Places still left for Future Citations Hack Days, 27-28 Sep Birmingham, UK
Jonathan Gray
jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Tue Sep 18 12:20:50 UTC 2012
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mahendra Mahey <m.mahey at ukoln.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 2:19 PM
Subject: Places still left for Future Citations Hack Days, 27-28 Sep
Birmingham, UK
To: CETIS-METADATA at jiscmail.ac.uk
There are still spaces left for Future Citations Hack Days, on
September 27 and 28, 2012 in Birmingham, UK.
This is a FREE event (includes accommodation and food) for software
developers and experts who are interested in the area of Citation
More information about the event (including and a booking form) can be
found here:
This event has been organised by the Developer Community Supporting
Innovation Project (DevCSI-http://devcsi.ukoln.ac.uk) and the JISC
Citation Data directions project. It will bring together software
developers, project managers, and experts in the area of Citation Data
Analysis, areas of interest include:
- Business Intelligence
- Research management
- Novel use cases
We will help people come together to form small teams/groups (these
can be formed before the event), to discuss issues, work on paper/real
prototypes, datasets, APIs. All participants will be able to share
their own examples, expertise and opinions via the lightning sessions,
discussions and informal networking opportunities.
The event will culminate in a series of presentations from the teams,
in terms of the work they have carried out.
Please visit the Future Citation Data ideas page:
for the ideas people are interested in
If you can't make it, please feel free to pass on the details you know
who might benefit from it.
Mr Mahendra Mahey
Project Manager DevCSI
Research Officer
Innovation Support Centre
University of Bath,
Mobile: ++44 (0) 07581069575
Fax: ++44 (0) 1225 386256
email: m.mahey at ukoln.ac.uk
skypeID: mr_mahendra_mahey
Jonathan Gray
Head of Community
The Open Knowledge Foundation
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