[open-bibliography] [open-science] [okfn-discuss] Help make a comparison of open access journals on Wikipedia

cameronneylon.net cn at cameronneylon.net
Tue Jan 29 00:40:11 UTC 2013

Re: DOAJ providing filter for Free Culture (CC BY/CC BY-SA) licenses
> Have been in touch with them...no luck. Conversation thus far: 
> They *should* be able to differentiate between licences. I think they don't regard it as high priority. 
> At the risk of flooding almost all OKF lists I have added Open Bibliography. Mark MacGillivray and others have tools for starting to interrogate documents and their metadata about licences. Early days. But if DOAJ don't do it, we shall have to use machines to do it.

Being able to search via license is on my wish list for future for DOAJ but yes, its not the highest current priority which is to stabilise the current system, catch up with backlog and start to tackle journal/publisher validation/quality control.

Also worth noting that this would only ever provide the default license at the journal level. Relatively few journals are absolutely consistent in the licenses they use, although the default is a good first approximation.

FWIW I did some analysis of the set of licenses within the Creative Commons subset of DOAJ and CC BY-SA isn't very common. CC BY-NC is more common. The figures are 174 (SA), 1174(BY), 486(NC) from my analysis. Many of these journals don't publish all that much so by articles there's much more CC BY content as this is the default for the larger OA publishers.



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