[open-bibliography] CfP - 1st international Workshop on "Linking and Contextualizing Publications and Datasets"

Jochen Schirrwagen jochen.schirrwagen at uni-bielefeld.de
Thu May 16 05:44:33 UTC 2013

[*** Apologies for cross-posting ***]

First Workshop on "Linking and Contextualizing Publications and Datasets"

Valletta, Malta, September 26th, 2013
Web site: http://lcpd2013.research-infrastructures.eu/
E-mail: lcpd2013 at isti.cnr.it

In conjunction with TPDL 2013 (http://www.tpdl2013.info)

###### Workshop Objectives ######

The goal of this workshop is to provide researchers and practitioners in the fields of Digital Libraries, e-Science, and e-Research, with a forum where they can constructively explore foundational, organizational and systemic challenges in contexts having publishing, interlinking, preservation, discovery, access, and reuse of publications and datasets as focal points. It expects to contribute to the actual picture of the state of the art approaches and solutions that researchers and practitioners active in these fields have investigated and realized. 

###### Workshop topics ######

The workshop welcomes submissions reporting on theoretical, systemic, and foundational work targeting popular topics of linking and contextualizing datasets and publications. The topics of this workshop are of interest to, but not limited to, the following research avenues:

- Metadata formats for publications and datasets: interlinking or contextualizing research outputs.
- Metadata access services: exporting/discovering metadata to facilitate interlinking or contextualizing research outputs.
- Data models expressing relationships between publications, datasets and other information apt for re-use, contextualization, etc.
- Aggregation services: robust and scalable collection, integration, storage, interlinking, and visualization of heterogeneous objects and metadata from publication, dataset, and contextual content data sources
- Linking and contextualization services: processing/mining interlinked objects and metadata relative for enrichment, disambiguation, annotation
- Future publication models and services: novel concepts and management of “enhanced publications”, “research objects”, “executable papers”.

For more on these topics, please visit the workshop website.

###### Important Dates ######

Research paper submission: June 24th, 2013
Notification of acceptance: July 29th, 2013
Camera ready version: August 31st, 2013

###### Paper Submission ######

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers. Submitted manuscripts will have to be in PDF or Word, limited to 8 pages, written in english and following the guidelines for the LNCS format provided by Springer (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0). 

The call for papers will invite authors to submit original, unpublished research papers. Submitted manuscripts will have to be limited to 8 pages, following the guidelines for the LNCS format provided by Springer. Preferred formats are PDF or Microsoft Word. Submission is on line at: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lcpd2013 (EasyChair on-line system: you need to register an account to submit).

Papers submitted to the workshop will undergo a single-blind peer-review process by Program Committee members. To be published on the proceedings, accepted contributions should be revised according to the reviews and at least one author is required to register and present the paper at the workshop.

Proceedings, including abstracts from the invited speakers and the revised papers, will become a publication with ISBN (the organisers are in the process of selecting the publisher).

###### Workshop Organisers ######

- Lukasz Bolikowski, Centre for Open Science, ICM, University of Warsaw, Poland
- Paolo Manghi, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI), National Research Council - (CNR), Pisa, Italy
- Nikos Houssos, EKT, National Documentation Centre, Greece
- Jochen Schirrwagen, Bielefeld University Library, Germany

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