[open-bibliography] [okfn-discuss] FW: RLUK Hack Day 14 May 2014
Alastair Dunning
alastair.dunning at theeuropeanlibrary.org
Wed Apr 16 14:02:48 UTC 2014
Dear all,
Just to follow up on Owen's email, this work is being done as part of RLUK's membership of The European Library. RLUK is supplying the data, and The European Library is deriving the LOD set from this. RLUK is then organising the hackathon based on the data
This is part of The European Library's larger work to release its members data (national and research libraries across Europe) as CC0 / LOD
Alastair Dunning
Programme Manager, The European Library
(Based in the National Library of the Netherlands)
skype: xcia0069
twitter: alastairdunning
From: open-bibliography [mailto:open-bibliography-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Owen Stephens
Sent: 14 April 2014 21:24
To: List for Working Group on Open Bibliographic Data
Cc: Open Knowledge Foundation discussion list
Subject: Re: [open-bibliography] [okfn-discuss] FW: RLUK Hack Day 14 May 2014
Hi all,
I'm helping organise this hack day (and I have to admit, had thought I'd forwarded the details to this list - but obviously had not - apologies for this oversight).
The records are from the RLUK database which brings together library catalogue data from major UK Research libraries - that means the majority will be records describing books, and there will be few or no records describing journal articles. I don't have any specific details regarding the make up of the records, but I think you can certainly expect some records describing theses to be included, and as well as books there are bound to be records relating to other materials such as audio-visual, maps, serials etc.
The records are being released in perpetuity, not just for the hack day.
Best wishes, and I hope to see some of you at the event.
Owen Stephens
Owen Stephens Consulting
Web: http://www.ostephens.com
Email: owen at ostephens.com<mailto:owen at ostephens.com>
Telephone: 0121 288 6936
On 14 Apr 2014, at 18:29, Peter Murray-Rust <pm286 at cam.ac.uk<mailto:pm286 at cam.ac.uk>> wrote:
Any information on what these records are? Books, Theses or journal articles?
FWIW the JISC+OKFN developed BibJson to support integration of such datasets. I have registered to go in case people are interested.
On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Peter Morgan <pbm2 at cam.ac.uk<mailto:pbm2 at cam.ac.uk>> wrote:
This might be of interest...
Peter Morgan
Head of Medical & Science Libraries
Medical Library
Cambridge University Library
Addenbrooke's Hospital
Hills Road
email: pbm2 at cam.ac.uk<mailto:pbm2 at cam.ac.uk>
tel: +44 1223 336757<tel:%2B44%201223%20336757>
fax: +44 1223 331918<tel:%2B44%201223%20331918>
From: RLUK [info=rluk.ac.uk at mail22.wdc03.rsgsv.net<mailto:rluk.ac.uk at mail22.wdc03.rsgsv.net>] on behalf of RLUK [info at rluk.ac.uk<mailto:info at rluk.ac.uk>]
Sent: 14 April 2014 10:59
To: Peter Morgan
Subject: RLUK Hack Day 14 May 2014
RLUK Hack Day on 14 May at Senate House Library
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RLUK, working with The European Library, will soon be releasing over 17 million bibliographic records as Linked Open Data (LOD).
On the back of this we are staging a Hack Day on 14 May to which we want to invite developers from the library, academic and general coding community to realise the full impact of this very large open dataset. We want to encourage people to engage with the data, reuse it and make it usable for others in the pursuit of research and learning that will benefit all.
A one-day event, the programme is aimed at encouraging direct development of the dataset, and will be a hands-on, BYOD set of sessions for those with a practical interest in or experience of developing services and prototypes using LOD.
There will be several hack themes for the day:
* Linking Up datasets
* Eastern Europe
* Delivering a valuable hack for RLUK members
If you have staff with the appropriate coding or developer skills or roles, please encourage them to look at the programme and register at: https://rlukhack2014.eventbrite.co.uk<http://rluk.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ae16178f19ce6399c5a3bcb7f&id=5e2e1d6a8d&e=c050800920>
For more information about the event please contact Mike Mertens<mailto:mike.mertens at rluk.ac.uk?subject=RLUK%20Hack%20Day>
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Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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