[open-civil-society] Introducing open-civil-society

David Kane David.Kane at ncvo-vol.org.uk
Mon Aug 8 17:02:42 UTC 2011

Thanks to everyone for the comments, really interesting discussion
Toby - you asked a specific question:
> David K - do you see this group as focussing on how civil society uses
public data? How civil society opens up its own data? Or both? clearly
they are related and both needed, I just wasn't sure what you were
I think both - but interested to hear what others think. I personally
think you can't have one without having the other. I'm particularly
interested in the motivations for opening up data - I think there are
crossovers between why government should open data and why civil society
should, but there are differences too, and particular arguments that
apply to just civil society.
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