[open-civil-society] civil list

David Kane David.Kane at ncvo-vol.org.uk
Fri Aug 12 09:37:16 UTC 2011

Hi Javier
I think inviting them to join here sounds good to me - if they find they
get useful responses then it's probably the right place to ask! 
I'm asking this list to be mentioned in the NCVO newsletters, which
should hopefully encourage some more joiners. If anyone has places it
could be publicised then please mention it there, and also mention to
specific people who might be interested - the more people join, the more
we can have lively and useful discussions!

From: open-civil-society-bounces at lists.okfn.org
[mailto:open-civil-society-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Javier
Sent: 11 August 2011 16:47
To: List for Open Civil Society
Subject: [open-civil-society] civil list


I just had a chat with a civil society open data activist from Mexico
and they are interested in the debates I mentioned in another email
about widening the policy framework, public services and not reducing
citizen participation to consumer choice.

Should I recommend they join this list? I can open another one at ORG,
but Internet ecology would benefit from fewer lists.

best, Javier
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