[Open-data-census] Mode-share in Open Data Census?

Mati Kalwill matias.kalwill at gmail.com
Sun Jul 21 04:43:51 BST 2013

Hey Christian

Cool, thanks for considering it. I'm taking a good look at the site and
repository now to come up with an example of how it could be included. Will
produce the report ticket in a day or two. Thoughts and suggestions more
than welcome :)



On Friday, July 19, 2013, Christian Villum wrote:

> Hi Mati,
> Welcome to the list and thank you for this thoughtful suggestion - very
> relevant indeed.
> Could you perhaps issue a ticket on Github in the Open Data Census
> repository <https://github.com/okfn/opendatacensus>? Thereby your
> suggestion gets automatically looped into the development discussions
> around the site.
> Also, it would be great to hear more opinions from other list members on
> this idea.
> -Christian
> --
> Christian Villum
> Community Manager, Open Government Data + Local Groups Network
> skype: christianvillum  |  @villum <http://www.twitter.com/villum>
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> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 8:28 PM, Mati Kalwill <matias.kalwill at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Fist things first, short intro: My name is Matías Kalwill, I'm from
>> Buenos Aires, and work in urban mobility initiatives very connected to the
>> open data, open innovation movements. I'm also a member of the recently
>> launched OKNF group in Argentina.
>> I read about the Open Data Census in the Open Transport Data mailing
>> list, and would like to know if you've considered including Modal Share
>> data as a key data set.
>> Modal Share <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modal_share#cite_note-1> is
>> the percentage of travelers using a particular type of transportation or
>> number of trips using said type. As some of you might know, this is
>> often the single most important data asset for decision making in urban
>> mobility: it informs us how people are moving in a city, and contributes to
>> improving the design of people-centered mobility services and
>> infraestructure.
>> This data set is at the center of the debate of how we want to move in
>> our cities in the future, and including it in the Open Data Census would be
>> a big step forwards in making the data more available, transparent and
>> engaging everywhere.
>> Let me know your thoughts, would be happy to contribute on the
>> consideration of the data set for this or future census.
>> Best,
>> Matías Kalwill
>> @matikalwill
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