[Open-data-census] [od-discuss] [open-government] EU Consultation on gov data re-use.

Mathias Schindler mathias.schindler at wikimedia.de
Mon Nov 11 22:22:05 GMT 2013

(there might be overlapping mailing lists here, please excuse for the
redundancy, if any).

On behalf of Wikimedia Germany, I am going to attend a hearing in
Luxemburg on November 25 organized by the European Commission
regarding pricing and standard licenses

Public hearing on guidelines on recommended standard licences,
datasets and charging for the reuse
of public sector information.

Hearing organised by the European Commission
25 November 2013, Euroforum (EUFO) building
10, rue Robert Stumper, L-2557 LUXEMBOURG


10:00-10:15 Registration and coffee
10:15-10:30 Context and objectives of the hearing – European
Commission, CNECT G3 Unit
10:30-11:30 SESSION 1: Recommended datasets

11:30-12:30 SESSION 2: Charging for re-use (1)

12:30-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-15:00 SESSION 2: Charging for re-use (2)

15:00-16:30 SESSION 3: Standard licences

2013/11/11 Luis Villa <luis at lu.is>:
> It should definitely be of interest, so I am raising it again. However, I am
> skeptical that any of us have time to address it :/
> Luis
> On Oct 20, 2013 11:24 AM, "Baden Appleyard" <b.appleyard at ausgoal.gov.au>
> wrote:
>> Good question Augusto,
>> Perhaps this is something that might also be of interest to the Advisory
>> Council on the open definition...
>> Kind regards
>> b
>> ________________
>> Baden M Appleyard
>> Mobile: +61(0)459 824 061
>> Linkedin: http://au.linkedin.com/in/badenappleyard
>> On 16 October 2013 22:57, Augusto Herrmann <augusto.herrmann at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> A month and half later, I can see no further dicussion on this thread on
>>> the mailing lists. Has anyone contributed to or is considering contributing
>>> to the consultation by suggesting a recommendation of standard licences
>>> related to the Open Definition?
>>> I don't live on the EU, but I think an EU recommendation like this can
>>> influence open data licence decisions elsewhere in the world.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Augusto Herrmann
>>> Open Data Team - Ministry of Planning - Brazil
>>> On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 6:16 AM, Ton Zijlstra <ton.zijlstra at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> The European Commission last Friday has opened a consultation based on
>>>> three questions the new PSI Directive gives the EC a guiding role in.
>>>> http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/consultation-guidelines-recommended-standard-licences-datasets-and-charging-re-use-public
>>>> The revised Directive calls on the European Commission to assist the
>>>> Member States in implementing the Directive in a consistent way by issuing
>>>> guidelines on
>>>> recommended standard licenses,
>>>> datasets to be released/improved as a matter of priority and
>>>> charging for the reuse of documents.
>>>> The objective of the consultation is therefore to seek the views of
>>>> stakeholders on specific issues to be addressed in the 3 sets of guidelines.
>>>> I think this is an important consultation, that needs a significant
>>>> input from the wider open data community.
>>>> When it comes to licensing and charging, there is I think a significant
>>>> difference between established (commercial) re-users (which are sure to
>>>> respond to the consultation) and 'new' users of data. Innovation, societal
>>>> resilience and grass-roots effort is best served with getting as close to
>>>> the open definition as possible, whereas established players individually
>>>> from their perspective are best served by staying away from the open
>>>> definition: licensing and charging are great ways to put a barrier to entry
>>>> on the low end of your existing market or niche, and thus protecting
>>>> yourself from competition or challengers.
>>>> When it comes to prioritizing datasets for release or improvement I, as
>>>> lead editor for the Open Data Census (http://census.okfn.org/), am eager to
>>>> hear your thoughts, and if possible welcome you to the Open Data census
>>>> workshop in 2 weeks at the OK Conference in Geneva
>>>> (http://okcon.org/open-data-government-and-governance/session-d/). To me the
>>>> datasets we currently track are 'infrastructure' (geo, spending, voting,
>>>> company register and such, transport), whereas I suspect that to take on
>>>> certain societal issues different core data sets are needed (healthcare,
>>>> education data, financial system, energy / water, etc).
>>>> Best,
>>>> Ton
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Interdependent Thoughts
>>>> Ton Zijlstra
>>>> ton at tonzijlstra.eu
>>>> +31-6-34489360
>>>> http://zylstra.org/blog
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Mathias Schindler
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
web: http://www.wikimedia.de
mail: mathias.schindler at wikimedia.de

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