[Open-data-census] National Census now re-opened for submissions + being moved to Index-site

Christian Villum christian.villum at okfn.org
Thu Feb 13 14:13:42 UTC 2014

Dear all,

We have two important pieces of news to share with you:

after the National Census was temporarily closed off for submissions due to
a spam attack, we're now happy to announce that the *problem has been
solved* and that it's once again *open for you to submit to - and for
editors to review*.

As you'll see the site has been upgraded with several improvements, most
importantly *proper login via your google account*!
Our one concern is that in all the de-spam work *we may have deleted
something* (please shout if you notice this and we can restore!)


we would also like to announce that we've *moved the Census over on to the
Open Data Index website*. This is intended to minimize confusion about the
difference of the two and to better have them complement each other.

Therefore -- census.okfn.org now redirects to index.okfn.org, and the Open
Data Census will onwards live at:

*http://national.census.okfn.org <http://national.census.okfn.org>*

Do let us know if you have any questions or problems.



Christian Villum
International Community Manager

skype: christianvillum  |  @villum <http://www.twitter.com/villum>
The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>

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