[Open-data-census] Global Open Data Index 2014: wrapping up

Emma Beer emma.beer at okfn.org
Wed Nov 19 14:57:44 UTC 2014

Dear  all,

First of all just wanted to thank you all for the time and effort you have
put into the Index this year.

It’s been thrilling to see the community efforts around the world for this
year’s Index - from regions and places that are both old and new to the
Index.  We can really see the engagement in open data growing worldwide.

We are now on the home run.  If your country submissions are not yet in,
please make sure you get them to us quickly.  We are accepting *final
submissions today* and can only accept any further submissions until the
end of this week *on an exceptional basis*.  Please contact us to let us
know if you need to submit on Thursday and Friday of this week.

If you have signed up as a reviewer (at the country-level), please make
sure you review your country by *Saturday 22 November* to ensure your
country appears in the published Index. Reviewing will not be possible
after this date. A thematic/dataset expert review will follow next week
ahead of publication. This second round of reviewing is part of our revised
methodology for 2014, given that we have a larger number of places involved.

If you are a member of a Global South country, we are able to extend these
submitting and reviewing deadlines a little (but to appear in the published
version of the Index, we must have your submissions in this week).  Please
be in touch with us for further details.

The published Index will be available in early December.  We will be
alerting you of the exact date closer to the time.  Keep an eye on Twitter
for updates #*openindex14*
<https://twitter.com/hashtag/openindex14?src=hash> , as well as our series
of regional blogs on the Global Open Data Index 2014 to be posted on
publication of the Index.

It's been great working with you. Thanks again.

With warm wishes,

Emma, Mor and Christian


Emma Beer

Senior Project Manager |Skype: emma.beer  |  tel: +44 07921 426 523

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