[Open-data-census] Penalty for no bulk data not appropriate for realtime or big data

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue May 19 08:49:42 UTC 2015

First, this is a great discussion to have - and I have some thoughts I'd
like to share.

One procedural point: would you mind posting this on the discuss forum at:


We're gradually migrating more substantive discussions and thread there and
this is one that should definitely be there.


On 19 May 2015 at 06:11, Stephen Gates <stephen.gates at me.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I think the question for bulk data in the census needs to change. It is
> not always possible to publish open data in bulk. As pointed out in the
> open data handbook http://opendatahandbook.org/glossary/en/terms/bulk/
> publishing bulk data is not practical for realtime or big data.
> Can I suggest that the current question is reworded from:
> Is the data available in bulk? - Data is available in bulk if the whole
> dataset can be downloaded easily. It is not available in bulk, if access to
> the data is through a web page that provides access to only part of the
> database.
> to something like:
> Is the data available in bulk or via a real-time feed? - Data is
> available in bulk if the whole dataset can be downloaded easily. It is not
> available in bulk, if access to the data is through a web page that
> provides access to only part of the database. A real-time feed provides
> access to a subset of a database that changes frequently and is too large
> to download in bulk.
> As an example, in my view, a real-time public transport fed in GTFS-RT
> <https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs-realtime/> format should not
> be penalised 10 points for not being available in bulk.
> What do you think? Should the question be changed? If so, what’s the
> process to change it (assuming most census reference the “master” question
> sheet)?
> thanks
> Stephen Gates
> Australia’s Regional Open Data Census <http://australia.census.okfn.org>
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