[open-data-day] From Beijing China

Feng GAO gaofeng860918 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 15:05:18 GMT 2013

Hi, Haoqing:

I'm Feng. Techyizu in shanghai will host the open data day in shanghai.  But now the venue seems not to be confirm so it is not on wiki yet. (I'll contact Mark to see how it is going on). In the meanwhile, you might consider directly contact Techyizu to see whether you could offer any help.  (BTW, when the g0v hack in Taipei is? it might be interesting if you could share any experience of it at the ODD in shanghai).  Given there is not too much time left, I think it might be hard to invite any organization based in Beijing to host the event. But who knows, you might consider reaching out an organization there to discuss whether they could host the event. please let me know if you think i could help.



在 2013-1-21,上午7:21,朱豪卿 <zhuhaoqing at gmail.com> 写道:

> Dear Sir or Madam,
> My name is Zhu Haoqing, a postgraduate student in Renmin University of China, Beijing, studying in Taiwan now. I touched the open data campaign in Taiwan, and I am going to participate the g0vernment’s hackathon in Taipei, and I believe the open data is what I am seeking for to promote the civil service and democracy of China, but on the wiki page I can’t find any information about mainland China. I will be back to Beijing in Feb, so if there is any way that I can contribute something to open data in China? Who should I contact with? And how to start?
> I appreciate your work very much. Looking forward to your suggestions.
> Zhu Haoqing
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