[open-development] FW: [LinkInfo4Dev] IKM Linked Data Kiosk & Joy of Stats

Tariq Khokhar tariq.khokhar at devinit.org
Tue Jan 4 13:31:43 UTC 2011

Hello All,

Tim posted the below earlier to the LinkInfo4Dev list. The online kiosk
presentation is worth a peek.

IKM are also going to be ³carrying out a short mapping project .. and want
to hear from you about datasets you know.² from the world of international

The OKF and Aidinfo did some mapping of development datasets earlier in 2010
which I¹ll share with IKM ­ I¹m sure Tim can keep us posted.

Happy New Year to all,


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From: <tim.g.davies at gmail.com>
Reply-To: LinkInfo4Dev <LinkInfo4Dev at dgroups.org>
Date: 4 Jan 2011 13:12:43 +0100
To: LinkInfo4Dev <LinkInfo4Dev at dgroups.org>
Subject: [LinkInfo4Dev] IKM Linked Data Kiosk & Joy of Stats

Hello all,

Two links that might be of interest:

At the ICT4D conference one of the Kiosks in the IKM Display had information
on Linked Data on it, including an updated introduction presentation based
on feedback from the Oxford Workshop. The kiosk interface includes a number
of 'exhibits' for helping people explore what linked open data might mean
for development.

You can find an online version of the interface here:

That kiosk interface includes a short video of Hans Rosling talking about
data visualisation. Rosling has recently made an hour-long documentary about
data and visualisation which is now on YouTube here:

Again useful for helping people explore the potential of open data and data
visualisation - as well as useful to watch and ask some critical questions
of regarding the social impacts of the sort of future of big data-driven
science and social change Hans Rosling envisages in the documentary.

All the best



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