[open-development] 5000 citizens signed petition - have you?

Karin Christiansen info at publishwhatyoufund.org
Wed Jul 13 14:46:52 UTC 2011

Publish What You Fund: The Global Campaign for Aid Transparency

       1. http://www.PublishWhatYouFund.org


   Last Thursday _we were delighted to hand over 5012 petition signatures from
   people in 115 countries_ as the first phase in the [2]Make Aid Transparent
       2. http://www.makeaidtransparent.org

   The demonstration of _public demand for increased aid transparency_ was well
   received by the co-Chairs of the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness in front
   of over 100 country delegates at the OECD in Paris.

   Make Aid Transparent Handover: Karin Christiansen and Brian Atwood outside
   the OECD

   The campaign will run to the end of the year,_ so if you haven’t already
   signed the petition, please [3]take a look._ If your organisation would like
   to join the coalition of over 75 organisations supporting the campaign,
   please contact Claudia at [4]Claudia.Elliot at PublishWhatYouFund.org. A
   write-up and more photos of the first handover can be found [5]here.
       3. http://www.makeaidtransparent.org
       4. mailto:Claudia.Elliot at PublishWhatYouFund.org
       5. http://www.makeaidtransparent.org/news

   Yesterday, we also _attended the first high level meeting of the [6]Open
   Government Partnership_. As the first open government plans emerge in
   September we hope to see donors including Canada, the UK and the U.S.
   including aid transparency in their commitments.
       6. http://www.opengovpartnership.org


   An [7]independent review of Australian aid effectiveness made
   _recommendations for greater transparency of Australian aid_, the vast
   majority of which have been agreed to by the Australian cabinet.
       7. http://www.aidreview.gov.au/report/index.html

   The [8]Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative _(CABRI) released
   a [9]position paper on aid transparency_, highlighting its necessity for
   meeting international commitments on country ownership and the alignment of
   aid to country priorities.
       8. http://www.cabri-sbo.org
       9. http://www.cabri-sbo.org/en/news/170-aid-transparency-la-transparence-de-laide-a-transparencia-de-ajuda

   On June 23 the [10]Global Fund to Fight AIDS Tuberculosis and
   Malaria announced that is has become the_ 20th signatory to the
   [11]International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI)_, demonstrating the
   Fund’s commitment to aid transparency.
       10. http://www.theglobalfund.org/en
       11. http://www.aidtransparency.net

   UK Prime Minister, David Cameron on June 13 [12]stressed the importance of
   aid transparency in a speech to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and
   Immunisation conference, saying, _“Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and
   we’re shining the spotlight on aid funding like never before”._
       12. http://www.number10.gov.uk/news/speech-at-vaccine-summit

   Publish What You Fund joined other organisation in [13]praising U.S.
   congressional and administration efforts to _improve federal financial
   transparency_, and urging that commitments to federal transparency are
   extended indefinitely.
       13. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/news/2011/06/organisations-praise-federal-financial-transparency-efforts

   _You may have received this newsletter after signing the Make Aid
   Transparent campaign. If you wish to unsubscribe from Publish What You Fund
   monthly updates, please do so by clicking the link below._

    [14]info at publishwhatyoufund.org
   [15]Follow us on Twitter![16]follow us on Twitter
   [17]Follow us on Facebook!Become a fan
   [18]Subscribe to our updates
       14. mailto:info at publishwhatyoufund.org
       15. http://twitter.com/aidtransparency
       16. http://twitter.com/aidtransparency
       17. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?
       18. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org

   [19]Civil Society Discusssion of the Open Government Partnership
   14 July
   Washington, D.C.

   Interaction Forum 2011
   10 - 12 August
   Washington, D.C.
       19. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/resources/?event=18
       20. http://www.interaction.org/event/2011-interaction-forum

   [21]CIVICUS World Assembly
   10 - 12 September
       21. http://www.civicusassembly.org/index.php

   [22]G20 Finance and Development Ministers' Meeting
   23 - 26 September
   Washington, D.C.
       22. http://www.g20.org/index.aspx

   [23]Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness
   29 November - 1 December
       23. http://www.oecd.org/document/12/0,3746,en_2649_3236398_46057868_1_1_1_1,00.html

   [24]view email in browser | [25]unsubscribe | [26]update your profile |
       24. http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1ed69ef02e1bafb8d4f43b1fa&id=3dc12c8381&e=c62a864d1b
       25. mailto:info at publishwhatyoufund.org?subject=Unsubscribe&body=Please%20remove%20my%20name
       26. http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/updates/profile

   Publish What You Fund only records the data required to communicate with you
   effectively and will not disclose any information to third parties

   Publish  What  You Fund is hosted by TIRI: 1 London Bridge, Downstream
   Building  3^rd  Floor,  London  SE1  9BG, UK. +4420 7022 1905. Charity
   Registration Number: 1120927

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