[open-development] Fwd: [ECF] Launching Today: Land Matrix
Geber, Tin
t.geber at ifad.org
Fri Apr 27 12:18:43 UTC 2012
Hi everyone and thanks Tim for posting this!
My name is Tin Geber, I work with the ILC, one of the partners of the Land Matrix, together with CDE, GIGA, GIZ and CIRAD.
We are very happy the Land Matrix is live and gaining visibility. Tim is correct, all the data is openly available from the site: www.landportal.info/landmatrix<http://www.landportal.info/landmatrix>
Our goal is to provide users with a rich public interface - with interactive infographics, filterable lists etc - in order to promote engagement and facilitate awareness. Our thanks go to Tactical Tech and Sinnwerkstatt for the excellent design and development.
Although we count more than 1000 deals, the LM is far from complete: we will keep actively collecting and verifying data, as well as periodically publishing Analytical Reports.
If you wish to help the Land Matrix gain even more visibility please tweet (#landmatrix), follow @landportal, like, blog, spread the word!
For any questions or ideas for future development or collaboration feel free to contact me at t.geber at ifad.org<mailto:t.geber at ifad.org>
On 27/apr/2012, at 13:10, Tim Davies wrote:
The land matrix underlying data is all available as open data...
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From: "Dirk Slater" <dirk at tacticaltech.org<mailto:dirk at tacticaltech.org>>
Date: Apr 27, 2012 11:43 AM
Subject: [ECF] Launching Today: Land Matrix
To: <practitioners at ecampaigningforum.com<mailto:practitioners at ecampaigningforum.com>>
Hi Everyone,
Thought some of you might be interested in a new resource for campaigners working on land acquisition issues. The Land Matrix, an online interactive database on large-scale land deals is launched today 27h April 2012 at 00:01 CET during the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. The aim of the Matrix is to promote transparency and accountability in decisions over land and investment through open data, accessible via maps and visualisations and via download.
see: http://landportal.info/landmatrix
There are three different sections offered, ranging from birds eye summaries that give insights to the content of the database, to direct access to the data for more in-depth exploration and analysis :
Get the Idea – Empowering the audience without being overwhelmed. Summaries that give insights to the content of the database and create easy way of linking causes with problems.
Who are the major actors? Which are the top investing countries? what is the scale of the problem?
Get the Picture – Interactive and detailed information to understand the major problems and quick access to major trends.
Get the Detail - dive right into the core of the data with the ability to sort it according to interests
The Matrix encourages researchers, governments, companies to provide more data on land acquisitions – the innovative interface is designed for the public to crowdsource new information and improve the database's quality and reliability. The website is intended to provide a facility for observing trends on land and investment on an ongoing bases.
Tactical Studios has worked with the Land Coalition partnership (CDE, CIRAD, GIGA, GIZ and ILC) to create the public interface providing unprecedented access to the largest public database on large-scale land deals worldwide.
The Coalition have documented over 2300 land acquisitions over the past 15 years – and we have created an online interactive interface of all records over 200 hectars since 2000.
The Land Matrix Public Interface is currently in Beta. Please provide any comments on how it could be more useful to you at LANDMATRIXFEEDBACK at LANDPORTAL.INFO<mailto:LANDMATRIXFEEDBACK at LANDPORTAL.INFO>. Your comments will be considered in finalising the interface.
Thanks -
Dirk Slater
Director of Operations/Project Lead
dirk at tacticaltech.org<mailto:dirk at tacticaltech.org>
Tactical Technology Collective
Mobile: +44 (0) 7903 932 817<tel:%2B44%20%280%29%207903%20932%20817>
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